Monday, August 25, 2008

Independent work No. 10

1. Check your answers for the mock listening quiz held last class. Find the two files with exercises in the printable documents section of my webpage:

Audios can be found in:

Click on play audio:

Click on begin quiz:

2. Write one sentence with every word in exercise 5 on page 21 in your books.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Independent work No. 9

Write the 4th paragraph (recommendation) of your movie/book review.

Useful expressions can be found in the power point presentation attached in the printable documents section of my webpage:

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Independent work No. 8

Write a well structured background paragraph for your movie or book review.

Your completed review must be handed in on Tuesday next week to your teacher on a typed piece of paper. No total or partial copy and paste from internet will be allowed.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Independent work No. 7

1. Write the plot of the movie or book you chose to review. Remember present simple should be used.
2. Investigate the director/writer, awards, cast/characters, genre and relevant information about the movie/book you are to review.

Independent work No. 6

Write a short story of a past memory including the continuous as well as the simple tense. Record your voice telling the story.

Independent work No. 5

Check the information on the uses of "have" on page 12 in your books and prepare answers for questions in exercise 4.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Independent work No. 4

Listen to tapescript 1.7, exercise on page 12 and practice the strategies explained in class today:

Taking notes
Filling in the blanks
Reading the tapescript while listening to the recording

Monday, August 11, 2008

Independent work No. 3

Look up the meaning of words in table 1a on page 10 and write a sentence with each one of them. You can use you mini dictionary to do so.

Independent work No. 2

Record your own voice saying the 14 questions in exercise 1a on page 7 and post the recording in a blog post.

Independent work No. 1

Rewrite the incorrect sentences in your diagnostic test and find 4 more examples in internet.

Welcoming note

Hello everybody!

All posts in my blog will show the pieces of homework you need to do throughout the semester as well as sample activities similar to the ones you have to post in your own blogs.

Please, feel free to leave your comments whenever reading activities are posted.

All documents you may need during the semester will be available at my website.