Monday, October 20, 2008

Reading challenge 8

Write five new words taken from the eighth reading challenge, look up their definitions or synonyms in a monolingual dictionary ( suggested) and type them under this post.

Reading challenge 7

Write five new words taken from the seven reading challenge, look up their definitions or synonyms in a monolingual dictionary ( suggested) and type them under this post.

Problem-solution essay

Type your problem-solution sample.

Reading challenge 6

Write five new words taken from the sixth reading challenge, look up their definitions or synonyms in a monolingual dictionary ( suggested) and type them under this post.

Reading challenge 5

Write five new words taken from the fifth reading challenge, look up their definitions or synonyms in a monolingual dictionary ( suggested) and type them under this post.

Reading challenge 4

Write five new words taken from the fourth reading challenge, look up their definitions or synonyms in a monolingual dictionary ( suggested) and type them under this post.

Reading challenge 3

Write five new words taken from the third reading challenge, look up their definitions or synonyms in a monolingual dictionary ( suggested) and type them under this post.